High-performance career and leadership coaching for professionals, teams, and organizations.
Through personalized coaching, expert interviews, and assessment, our consultancy empowers professionals in brand management, marketing, communications, and creative to achieve new heights in their careers.
Is Your Predecessor Preventing Your Success? 5 Tips For Leaders Starting A New Job.
During your first few days at a new job, you spend plenty of time learning about the business of your new employers, meeting lots of new people, and diving into how things get done currently in your new department. And that’s when you start to learn about how things were before you got there.
How A Consulting Mindset Will Take Your Department From Order-Takers To Creative Problem-Solving Rock-Stars!
Use elements of a consulting mindset to take your department from order-takers to creative problem-solving rock-stars!
Lead with inspiration—A few ideas on inspiring creative teams
The experienced talent should have the next generation do the work, just under their very careful eye.
Plan and run better meetings
Meetings are a necessary evil in our business. Between staff meetings, project planning and review meetings, vendor meetings, and of course client meetings, its any wonder we get real work done at all. But one thing I have learned in almost 25 years in the creative...
Lessons learned working in-house that helped me be a better consultant
By the end of 2015, after being an in-house creative director for nearly 8 years and working in this field for over 20 years, I found myself self-employed for the second time in my career.
2-Minute Tip: Budgeting
I am often surprised to hear that many in-house creative leaders are not running their own budgets for their departments. And because they are not the budget owner, they have very little say into what and how much goes into the budgeting process. We all know running...
New year clean-up!
I can’t see straight when clutter begins to take over. I can’t think clearly and lose focus. I’m sure I’m not the only one but I may be more sensitive to recognizing this issue within myself. Even though I’m a constant purger/straightener/cleaner, my work space still...
The Changing Relationship Between In-House and Outside Agencies
There has been a shift of power – creatively speaking – regarding to who “owns” brand and creative in corporate America. There was a time when anyone but the internal creative teams did new creative work or managed the outside creative agencies. However, for many...
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We’re currently booking engagements to start in October 2024.
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